Steve Colnitis
Campaign Co-Chair
Even as a kid, Steve Colnitis had a knack for being entrepreneurial.
His first job as a 7-year-old selling lemonade and found golf balls along the fairways at Mohawk Country Club in Bensenville, Illinois, foreshadowed a love for golf and his eventual creation of a very successful beverage company. When his family moved to Park Ridge, Colnitis found a job as a caddie and started down a path that led him to earn the Evans Scholarship and launch his business career.
Colnitis became a WGA Director in 2009 and serves as Co-Chair of the Scholarship Committee. He has been instrumental in efforts to raise awareness of the Evans Scholars Program on the East Coast. Baltimore Country Club, where he is a member, has started producing Evans Scholars. He’s recruited additional WGA Directors to develop youth caddie programs at their clubs.
As a Co-Chair of The Promise Campaign, he’s helping drive the Evans Scholars Program’s expansion from coast to coast. Just this fall, the Program began sending Evans Scholars to the University of Maryland in College Park.
“Golf has been a huge part of my life, and it’s very important to pass along the same opportunities,” he said.